Insulin therapy for diabetes ppt download

It may be easier to understand the importance of insulin therapy if you. Insulin therapy for gestational diabetes mellitus does not. Although mounting evidence suggests that therapy for gdm could improve neonatal health, whether the therapy confers longterm metabolic benefits to offspring in their later adult lives is not known. Use of insulin therapy in managing type 2 diabetes mellitus. Insulin degludec improves longterm glycaemic control similarly to insulin glargine but with fewer hypoglycaemic episodes in patients with advanced type 2 diabetes on basalbolus insulin therapy. In patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus, insulin may be used to augment therapy with oral glycemic medications or as insulin replacement therapy. First step into insulin therapy how to start insulin in a patient not controlled on oads by. Typically, patients with t1dm will require initiation with multiple daily injections at the time of diagnosis. The goal is to design and implement insulin regimen that mimic physiologic insulin secretion. The presentation consists of practical issues as well as background theory regarding insulin therapy. Ppt diabetes mellitus powerpoint presentation free to download id. Understand the key role insulin plays in managing your blood sugar and preventing diabetes complications. Five simple steps to optimize bolus insulin therapy in type 2.

In addition to timely initiation, rapid titration of the dose is indispensable for successful insulin therapy. Insulin therapy for type 1 diabetes requires multiple injections or using an insulin pump continuous subcutaneous insulin infusion csii. Ppt insulin therapy powerpoint presentation free to. View and download powerpoint presentations on types of insulin ppt. In the diabetes attitudes, wishes, and needs study, 48% of patients initiating insulin believed. Download insulin therapy in type 2 diabetes mellitus ppt for free. D, a 48yearold africanamerican man who was diagnosed with type 2 diabetes t2dm 4 years ago, presented to his clinician for a routine followup visit. Transdermal insulin skin patch delivery has also yielded disappointing results to date.

When you understand how insulin therapy works in your body, you can more easily. After being a diabetic for many years, im happy to report that thanks to your book, my blood tests are now showing that i am completely free of. Ppt first step into insulin therapy powerpoint presentation, free. A read is counted each time someone views a publication summary such as the title, abstract, and list of authors, clicks on a figure, or views or downloads the fulltext. The converted glucose is transferred to the blood and is availed by the cells for energy. Ultimately, the goal in the management of type 1 diabetes is to provide insulin therapy in a manner that mimics the natural pancreas. Use of insulin therapy in managing type 2 diabetes mellitus continuing pharmacy education this continuing pharmacy education discussion guide is part of the educational initiative, individualization of insulin therapy for type 2 diabetes mellitus. Unfortunately, current insulin replacement therapy can only approximate normal insulin levels. The preferred regimen for insulin initiation in type 2 diabetes is oncedaily basal insulin. Insulin is used in the treatment of patients with most types of diabetes.

Jan 21, 20 the truth about mobile phone and wireless radiation dr devra davis duration. Insulin is a polypeptide hormone secreted by pancreatic betacells. All patients with type 1 diabetes need insulin treatment. Insulin therapy in type 2 diabetes mellitus xpowerpoint. In this presentation, we will give an overview of the evidence on the various insulin regimens commonly used to treat type 2 diabetes. This is known as insulin therapy, which your medical provider will prescribe for you. Friday gs01 diabetes management and education in the era of healthcaretransformation an optomists view. Insulin therapy started in 1922 using regular insulin before each main meal and one injection in the night, usually at 1 am. Beta cells in the pancreas generate insulin and pancreas is the organ in the body which produces the insulin.

Your how to reverse diabetes plan is a breakthrough and a true blessing. In general, the need for insulin depends upon the degree of insulin deficiency. Type 1 sometimes type 2 type 2 dm patient with persistent elevated fpg leves 200 300mgdl or ketonuria or ketonemia fpg. Most of your patients with type 1 diabetes should be treated with multiple dose injections or insulin pump. After 1935, with the development of intermediate and longacting insulin, most patients moved to one or two injections per day. Disadvantages of insulin therapy weight gain 24 kg may adversely affect cardiovascular health hypoglycemia however. Excessive weight gain worsens glycaemic control and increases cardiovascular risk. Insulin is the primary treatment in all patients with type 1 diabetes mellitus t1dm a. When you have type 1 diabetes, it will be necessary to take insulin. A desirable basal insulin therapy regimen includes an insulin analog possessing a. It can also increase diabetic morbidity and mortality if it acts as a psychological barrier to initiation or intensification of insulin therapy, or affects compliance. Displaying powerpoint presentation on insulin therapy in type 2 diabetes mellitus available to view or download.

There are so many types of insulins available today that figuring out which is the right option for you can be very complex. Find powerpoint presentations and slides using the power of, find free presentations research about types of insulin ppt. Although associated with several myths and apprehensions, insulin therapy has no specification contraindication. Students with type 1 diabetes do not produce insulin. Sulfonylureas and insulin therapy do not increase macrovascular disease risk. Learn about the most common, side effects, storage tips, and more. Apr 12, 2017 it has been shown in various studies that it has lower affinity to bind to insulin receptors. There are many types of insulin used to treat diabetes. See the section insulin injection technique above, for guidance on how to administer insulin safely and effectively. Insulinbased versus triple oral therapy for newly diagnosed. Insulin in pill form is also not yet effective since the digestive enzymes in the gut break it down. Initiating insulin therapy powerpoint presentation free to download id. The hormone insulin plays a major role in transferring glucose from the blood to the cells.

Consider insulin therapy with or without additional agents in patients with newly dxd t2dm who are markedly symptomatic andor have elevated blood glucose levels 300 mgdl or a1c 10%. Ppt intensive insulin therapy powerpoint presentation. Diabetes mellitus overview and treatments andrew p. Insulin the core molecule in diabetes remains the best treatment for the disease even after eighty five years of use. This is usually shortacting insulin or rapidacting insulin analogue. The adobe flash plugin is needed to view this content. Jul 10, 2009 to evaluate the feasibility of an insulin based regimen as firstline treatment for type 2 diabetes we compared compliance, satisfaction, quality of life qol, effectiveness, and safety in patients with newly diagnosed type 2 diabetes randomly assigned to triple oral hypoglycemic therapy or an insulin based regimen. Indication for insulin therapy in type 2 diabetes acute metabolic complications acute illness severe infection pregnancy and lactation fasting plasma glucose 300 mgdl failure of oral antidiabetic agent dr.

Download figure open in new tab download powerpoint. Patients with type 1 diabetes, of course, need insulin immediately after diagnosis. Scribd is the worlds largest social reading and publishing site. American diabetes association standards of medical care in diabetes.

Which patients need insulinco insulin should be given to all patients with type 1 diabetesns insulin therapy for type 2 diabetes. Insufficient provision of insulin causes not only hyperglycemia but also systematic metabolic disturbances like hypertriglyceridemia and ketoacidosis, as well as tissue catabolism. Weight gain is common with insulin therapy in type 1 and type 2 diabetes. Because the hallmark of type 1 diabetes is absent or nearabsent. Intensive insulin therapy in type 2 diabetes patients. Already in 1960, a study showed that patients who were diagnosed between 1935 and. Insulin therapy in the management of diabetes slideshare. Albulin displays characteristics of a potent long acting insulin analog that can be evaluated for use as a novel insulin therapy for patients with insulindependent diabetes. View and download powerpoint presentations on insulin resistance ppt. A diagnosis of diabetes or hyperglycemia should be confirmed prior to ordering, dispensing, or administering insulin a. Insulin can be a huge part of your diabetes regimen if you have type 2 diabetes and especially if you have type 1 diabetes. Hypoglycemia risk is very low among type 2 diabetic patients just starting insulin therapy, making nph insulin the most costeffective drug.

Starting off with type 1 diabetes, there are plenty of other resources out there on initiating and managing insulin therapy, so we wont go into that here. Insulin therapy is often an important part of diabetes treatment. Metformin reduces macrovascular risk in patients who are obese. Gestational diabetes mellitus gdm is associated with an increased risk of metabolic disorders in offspring in later life. Free download diabetes mellitus powerpoint presentation slides. The progressive nature of type 2 diabetes should be regularly and objectively explained to patients, and providers should. Ppt diabetes mellitus powerpoint presentation free to. Ispad clinical practice consensus guidelines 2018 compendium. When you understand how insulin therapy works in your body, you can more easily control your blood sugar. An exception is patients with latent autoimmune diabetes of the adult lada, whose glucose can be controlled on noninsulin medications for a while, although for a much shorter period than for patients with type 2 diabetes. Pdf practical guide to insulin therapy in type 2 diabetes. Insulin is a hormone that is needed to convert sugar, starches, and other food into energy by moving glucose from blood into the cells.

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